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The Third Place now available!
The Third Place
In a deadly world ruled by a faceless authority, peacekeeper Ray is one of the lucky ones – until a chance encounter with an interdimensional traveler changes everything…
Ray Walker is responsible for enforcing curfew in Domicile Echo, ridding the city of transients who make their way into the city from the devastated outland.
Ray’s life is thrown into chaos when he meets a strange individual from a mysterious world where the skies are still blue and the sun still shines. The second place is a paradise, but Ray’s masters covet this precious new domain and will stop at nothing to find it, own it, and ultimately destroy everything in it.
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The Third Place Lulu
Beyond the Starport Adventure
“This is an example of a deep sleeper in the self-publishing world.
When I found this book several months ago, it had been languishing on Amazon for 3 years. I would never have found it if Fairbairn hadn’t released it on Smashwords in January.
I regularly look at the recent releases on Smashwords. They make it easy and there aren’t so many new books that they sink into the abyss, like on Amazon.
I liked the cover so I tried it. I loved it.
The setting is a future where humanity has been exploring space for decades and have found nothing. Nothing, until a space liner jumps through a wormhole and comes across a religious, militaristic society that will seem familiar.
As the plot unfolds, the reader begins to realize that there are multiple time lines that pile up on one another (instead of the more usual alternate timelines) creating depth. These timeline hints give character insights that will leave the reader wanting more of this series.”
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